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Suzhou Crg Robotics Technology Co., Ltd.
Supplier bagian custom
{0} tahun
Jiangsu, China
Produk utama: Penggenggam pneumatik, pengganti cepat Robot, profil Aluminium, penjepit udara, cangkir vakum
Sample-based customizationSupplier assessment proceduresTotal staff (142)Offline trade shows attended(3times)
  • Robot tool changerRobot tool changer
  • pneumatic fingerpneumatic finger
  • pneumatic gripperpneumatic gripper

Product Category

This supplier has been verified onsite by world-leading inspection company,
Terverifikasi di lokasi dengan dunia perusahaan inspeksi, INTERTEK Group

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Highly customisable

Customised design and manufacture to suit specific workpiece shapes, sizes and requirements.

High precision clamping

Adoption of advanced manufacturing technology and precision machining process ensures accurate control of workpiece position and angle.

Improved productivity

The ability to clamp workpieces quickly and stably reduces operating time and adjustment time, improves productivity and reduces production line downtime.

Improve work safety

It can reduce the direct contact of operators and reduce the risk of work injury.